


From authors:

When Wuhan, Hubei was being hit the hardest by COVID-19, Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hubei Province collaborated with experts from Central South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd. and CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd, jointly to produce “Technical requirements for the Design and Conversion of Makeshift (FangCang) Hospitals”(short for MHs). Hopefully, this could be beneficial to the practice of “Leave No One Unattended”. 

Up to 12,000 patients had been treated in 16 MHs from Feb 3rd 2020 (First MH put into operation) to March 10th 2020 (All MHs closed). Currently, with the COVID-19 Epidemic spreading quickly around the world, we pulled together professional team again to summarize practice of MH design, construction and operation and amended “Technical requirements for the Design and Conversion of Makeshift (FangCang) Hospitals”. Now, we have it translated into English and issued to public for peers both at home and around the world to refer to.

Hopefully, we join hands to combat this epidemic, overcome trials and tribulations, and solidify our confidence in conquering this major infectious disease endangering all human beings.


       For help or communication, please contact us:

       联系人:章明 电话:13507192733 邮箱:westwoodenzhm@gmail.com

       联系人:韩冰 电话:15307170780 邮箱:hanbing@citic.com


       Mr. Zhang  +86-13507192733  E-mail: westwoodenzhm@gmail.com

       Ms. Han  +86-15307170780  E-mail: hanbing@citic.com

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